Throughout January, Mr. Boyer will be touring the US, visiting old haunts and singing sad sack country classics written by himself and collaborator M. Felder, as well as doing readings from What Light Becomes Me, his post-apocalyptic noir recently released by Montag Press. Dates and venues below:
12/28—Adobe Books: 7PM @ 3130 24th St, San Francisco, CA, (415) 864-3936
1/2—Recreational Psychoacoustic Lab: 7PM @ 601 NW 80th St Unit B, Seattle, WA, (206) 651-5937
1/3—The Cabin Show: By invitation only
1/9—Mutable HQ: By invitation only
1/12—The Mothership: 6 Sergeant Richard Quinn Drive, Woodstock, NY, (845) 679-3392
1/17—The Lilypad: 7PM @ 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, (617) 955-7729
1/19—Pierce’s Hall: 7PM @ 121 East Putney Falls Rd, Putney, VT
Gabriel Boyer has been deluding himself for as long as he can remember. His latest release can be found below. You can read more about him here.