[We here at Mutable stumbled upon the most outlandish of web pages and felt the need to post an excerpt of this endless and multi-pronged manifesto here. If you enjoy the twisted logic, you can find more at Evolutionary Economics.]
Abstract. The structural constitution of a super organism, are its physiological networks, which distribute:
The proper energy: blood, financial, economic system of re=production of goods.
Information: legal, cultural system of informative just laws and customs that synchronize the motions of its body cells.
Entropy=motion to the system:digestive territorial system from where to extract the raw materials for entropic motion
And so a legal constitution of the Human super organism will be a set of laws that maximize the WHEALTHY (healthy wealth), efficient distribution of energy, information and goods to the entire human kind, as all cells-citizens in any true working, efficient super organism receive enough of them to survive.
The human social organism is dysfunctional as the economy = blood system that should cater the needs of welfare of mankind caters to the need of machines, deviating all the financial blood to company-mothers of machines, with rights to invent money in unlimited quantities in stock markets, while humans have to ‘work’ to obtain its daily ration of blood-money.
How this came to be we explain in many Historic papers about the parasitic go(l)d cult(ure) that made money scarce and then converted into paper of company-mothers of war, which would conquer the world with its top predator machines-weapons. The next map shows that history
Because we live in a parasitic, ab=used system, in which mankind (the 90%) has hardly any rights, OUR SYSTEMS DO NOT PROVIDE energy, information and welfare goods to MANKIND but only to machines and the 10% which works for corporations, specially to the 1% that owns them; and breaks MANKIND into tribal species, to ensure huger tracts of the human tissue don’t get anything at all.
Thus even the concept of a human superorganism of history and it constitution doesn’t appear in any legal or philosophical social system, as science IS CULTURE, and the CULTURE OF ANIMETALS that has been exploiting mankind for millennia, has crafted a ‘superstructure’ of thought, in which all ‘what seems truth is its anti-truth’, that is all what we do IS NOT FOR MANKIND (it is not the human truth) but for the machine.
The Wor(l)d of History in its entropic age – Metalearth at birth.
This blog is dedicated to the study of social sciences, economics, history, anthropology, sociology, finances, cultures, religions, memetic, etc. with the philosophy of science called ‘Systemics’, where reality is modeled as an organism, its only ‘scientific’ philosophy as a machine requires a God to be put in motion. Systemics also called theory of information, Complexity or cybernetics is a novel science, which Hawking rightly called the science of the XXI c. but it is applied mostly to the design of robots, computer systems and the improvement of Company-mothers of machines, in its internal re=productive organization.
HOW WE DEFINE then the economic system and the superorganism of history in systemics? Easy, as any other superorganism of the Universe:
The science of economics AS A TRUE SOCIAL SCIENCE, is the science of the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the organism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose would be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our superorganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes, racist cultural memeplexes, fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’) etc.
We explain this simple fact and in the next graph show the basic structure of the superorganism of mankind and its ‘economic frame of reference’ that should value goods and control its production according to their biological utility to foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species, because WE NEED FIRST TO UNDERSTAND a true science of economics to have a perspective on what today passes as ‘economics’, NOT a science but a PRAXIS OF power:
History is the super organism of human cells and its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks that should rule as in all advanced super organisms the other two networks with its ethic, verbal wor(l)d values. Its body-constitution are a series of laws that promote a demand based economy in which humans through a Universal salary demand welfare goods, and lethal, metal goods are repressed. Such world will have 3 physiological networks that maximize the reproduction of welfare goods, the social evolution of mankind through just laws, and revert the use of military leukocytes from killing their own body-cells, human beings, to control lethal goods:
The wor(l)d, that is the language of the word, is THE NATURAL LANGUAGE HUMANS USE TO COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER – not to think but TO COMMUNICATE, TO TALK, AND HENCE TO EVOLVE SOCIALLY WITH OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. IT IS THEREFORE THE NERVOUS-INFORMATIVE NETWORK OF THE SUPERORGANISMS OF MANKIND, and as such must be studied at the highest level of its cultural expression, as ETHIC languages, the true of the wor(l)d, and its beauty which is ‘ethics’. And this is so, because THAT IS HOW THE ORGANIC, fractal UNIVERSE WORKS, creating super organisms from fractal parts. So let us introduce the laws of social evolution and the organism of mankind, whose ‘nervous system is the wor(l)d’, that if NOT corrupted (mostly substituted by digital numbers and go(l)d values) would indeed naturally understood by all men create such perfect humanist organism.
The laws of eusocial evolution vs darwinian devolution. Live=Love vs. eviL=death.
What is eviL in scientific terms? TWO OBVIOUS definitions are natural to the biological and social laws of survival of the fractal organic Universe: eviL IS THE OPPOSITE OF LIVE, hence our use of the anti-word, eviL, a subconscious meme of what Chomsky calls ‘genetic linguistics’
And evil is also the DENIAL OF THE ESSENTIAL LAW OF BEHAVIOR IN THE UNIVERSE, the law of eusocial evolution that always makes the best choice to love members of the same species, as it improves our chances of survival. From the understanding of those laws, follows a fundamental improvement of the sciences of theology, ethics, and economics converted into ethonomics (the design of the re=productive systems of good to cater first the needs of our species, life and mankind NOT the metal-kind and its company-mothers):
The absolute law of behavior in the organic Universe is simple: beings who are similar and complementary and speak the same language of information with similar dexterity come together as couples, herds and social wholes stronger than individuals. Those who perceive each other as different, as machines will perceive humans, and inferior, as its military robots the top predator machine of any age does, will simply act in a Darwinian manner. So any argument on the way Robots and AI will see us, is bogus. Science is NOT UP FOR ARGUMENT, and the laws of darwinian evolution of species are SCIENCE, even if pseudo-religious biblical capitalist technoutopians don’t believe on them.
So this IS WHAT SCIENCE TELL US. But unfortunately the people who rule THE economic world and created its ‘idol-ogies’ of worship of machines above man, were all employees of company-mothers, mostly of the Anglo-American biblical civilization where the idea that man is NOT above heavens and earth and must comply with the biologic and organic laws of cyclical time to control its future, is completely ‘ridiculous’—as absurd as to think that ‘Germs’, those infinitesimal animals do cause sickness (so it took to XIX c. Pasteur, who was for long laughed by doctors, to prove it).
The Human ego then, IS the essential limit for mankind to do ‘real objective social and economic science’. Reason why we dedicate also a post to explain this ingrained paradox of all living systems—to reduce information to the one needed, from the perspective of its self-centered point of view that has made so difficult for mankind to advance in objective science—as we have always believe the Earth was the center of the Universe, and now we believe man is its only intelligent sentient ‘atom’.
Evil as the inverse of Live.
In bio-history the definition of Evil is immediate, nature and intuitive as the inverse word of Live. Death thus is the intuitive, subjective meaning of evil for anyone.
Any child will tell you when it is hurt: ‘bad’ he says, ‘Malo’ ‘evil’ in Spanish.
Evil is then death and evil in higher proportions is death in higher proportions,. It is then obvious that ANIMETAL CULTURES EMBODY EVIL=DEATH, as they destroy life, in the most evident immediate form:
Weapons and warrior cultures), at distance (through go(l)d values maximal for weapons and parasitic ab=use of money as debt) and finally in the long term (mechanism that despises organisms, models reality in terms of machines and evolves them substituting and atrophying human organs with them, and ultimately will through autonomous robots kill us all, according to the duality of laws in the Universe, where similar species love each other and different ones, kill each other or displace the weaker one.
And it is self-evident then that our culture of DEATH=EVIL against life, Gaia and History, its super organisms, not only is evil but IT DENIES SCHOLARLY the existence of evil, precisely because subconsciously knows it does so.
Animetals then are systematically creating ‘idol-ogies’ that deny the existence of the eviL=death, they practice with their memeplexes that despise life in favor of weapons, money and machines, entropic, informative and organic metal.
This post and related ones on the section of memetic and the human super organisms of history, are dedicated to describe the nature of the ‘memes’ of Evil vs. the memes of LIfe.
What are then the cultures that embody life? Obviously those which PROMOTE THE REPRODUCTION NOT OF LETHAL METAL-MEMES but of Life Memes and prune the tree of metal of its eviL=antilive fruits.
We then talk of welfare NOT warfare, of WHealth, healthy wealth, not of price, the value in metal-money maximal for weapons minimal for life, as the ‘GOODS’ reproduced by Life cultures.
We talk then of ethonomics, the science of Human Whealth and its ‘valuation’ of goods in terms of human use, as the Life-based view of economics. And we talk of true democracies, based in the laws of organisms that judge politics a posteriori, choose people to political positions by pure lottery and make the accountability of the politicians with pain messages as cells do with brains and learner Greek democracies did with its politicians, the way in which mankind following the organic laws of the Universe could use those laws to improve human societies and eco(nomic)systems as the Life oriented view of Politics, the 2 networks of informative and reproductive goods of the human super organism.
Yet as you are after all living in the culture of animetals, we need very early to show you the DIFFERENT concepts with a graph of the human super organism, and one of what animetals do with the 90-99%:
The 3 memes of metal 1)kill bodies with weapons manufacturing corpses. 2)Atrophy humans organs & substitute labor by machines, making us lazy.
3) Make debt slaves & buy lifetime for salaries, issued for free by bankers.And this lead us to the concept of idol-ogies, which are the historic ‘memes’ that certain people-castes have developed to make them feel the system that works for them is good. Of them 3 are paramount – the ‘memes’ of go(l)d cult(ure)s, which are segregational memes that make them think they are a superior species, because they monopolize the issue of money and were born in Canaan among the first biblical banker-priests; and associated to them, the memes of ‘warrior cultures’, which used bronze and iron-weapon, ‘germs of history’ as mercenaries of banker-priests or as king-warrior societies to kill anyone who opposed their control; and finally in modern times, idols of science, techno-utopian memes that make us think to atrophy and substitute our ‘organs’ by machines that do the job for us, making us obsolete is ‘good’. So we shall call this 3 cult(ure)s animetal cultures because they degrade their minds and verbal languages becoming ‘visual animal-like’ greedy people obeying the hypnotic qualities of informative metal gold, the best informative atom of the Universe; or they become warriors, who suppress their body sensations to use iron to kill others, the most energetic atom of reality, or scientists who supress their visual artistic eyes for telescopes and their verbal times, for clocks to measure space and time with machines. So they are in fact empowered by metal-memes of superior atoms but degraded as humans. This is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS in enzymes in nature, where the carbohydrate part is atrophied substituted by the metal-part, so animetals or enzymen ARE real biological species that have come to dominate the world in the last 3000 years, and what we live in a capitalist placebo democracy is just the most sophisticated version of animetal societies.
THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION IS THUS THE LEGAL CONCEPTUAL FRAME FOR ANY FUTURE R=EVOLUTION OF MANKIND INTO A WHEALTHY SUPERORGANISM, as the embodiment of the maximal Live, Love enhancing of the super organism of humanity ruled by a simple antinomy:
THE KEY TO UNDERSTAND reality beyond the individual is the way in which a language of information programs a mass of citizens-cells that agree to speak the simple values of the language. Then the intelligence of the language does the rest. In history this means we must consider essentially two languages, words that value more humans and build a world to our image and likeness, with the obvious limits of the human condition; and money, a metal language with affinity to weapons amd machines of metal of maximal price which builds a world to the image and likeness of metal-memes with its positive symbiotic but mostly negative effects for mankind, as the most expensive=overeproduced goods in a fundamentalist go(l)d cult(ure) as CAPITALISM is, hauling from earlier biblical fetish go(l)d religions. Hence in capitalist democracies where money dominate the law, war cycles of overeproduction of weapons are tuned to technological evolution and 90% of money is issued by corporations and spent in evolving and reproducing machines and weapons, which increasingly displace us from labor and war fields.
In the graph, the super organism of history has a ‘body constitution’, that is a healthy system of nervous, informative laws that would allow mankind and all its citizens cells to survive. This supreme law is simple to express:
Max. welfare life-human goods x Min. Lethal, metal goods = Max. Human survival.
And as such is opposite to the equations of capitalism, WHICH IS THE BASIC anti truth of all ‘modern animetal cultures’:
Max. Price goods (weapons) x Min. Cost goods (software, hate media) = Min. Survival x Max. Capital profits (speculation).
If the first equation was the law of the land, it would mean we would spend all our resources to cre(dit)ate a welfare world made to the image and likeness of mankind, awash with HUMAN GOODS, LIFE GOODS…
BUT AS WE LIVE in an ANIMETAL CULTURE—where all the resources are dedicated to foster the power and ab=use of life of the people on top of the pyramids of animetal power; it is their multiplication of weapons that kill our body, hate memes and informative software machines that kill our mind, and DIGITAL money used to that aim, what is overproduced in our world:
THE KEY TO UNDERSTAND reality beyond the individual is the way in which a language of information programs a mass of citizens-cells that agree to speak the simple values of the language. Then the intelligence of the language does the rest. In history this means we must consider essentially two languages, words that value more humans and build a world to our image and likeness, with the obvious limits of the human condition; and money, a metal language with affinity to weapons amd machines of metal of maximal price which builds a world to the image and likeness of metal-memes with its positive symbiotic but mostly negative effects for mankind, as the most expensive=overeproduced goods in a fundamentalist go(l)d cult(ure) as CAPITALISM is, hauling from earlier biblical fetish go(l)d religions. Hence in capitalist democracies where money dominate the law, war cycles of overeproduction of weapons are tuned to technological evolution and 90% of money is issued by corporations and spent in evolving and reproducing machines and weapons, which increasingly displace us from labor and war fields.
Once this is clarified then the next question is to go to the HIGHER truths of the fractal, organic Universe, and its definition of LIFE in terms of the 5 actions of existence all systems perform to survive and thrive, as THOSE WILL BE THE GOODS THAT AN JUST ‘ETHONOMIC SYSTEM’ should multiply and reproduce and distribute to all humans cells-citizens of the super organism of History if mankind wants to survive.
HUMANS as all systems of the Universe, are a fractal superoganism that performs 5 Dimensional motions of temporal energy and spatial information (ab. Ðimotions or ‘actions’), TO MAXIMIZE ITS SURVIVAL AND EXISTENCE.
WE CAN in general systems sciences define then any entity of reality as a KNOT commanding the constant modular switch between those 5 actions, called in biology drives of life, knotted by the will of a linguistic mind that tries selfishly to perform the 5 actions or drives of life all systems including humans—to exist.
And we differentiate simplex, selfish individual actions that gather information for the mind, energy for the body and entropic locomotion for its limbs, and the complex, social actions of reproduction and social evolution that require a partner or social herd to happen, YET ALL ARE NEEDED FOR THE BEING TO SURVIVE, as an individual and as part of a social whole, whose reproduction will be ensured by the reproduction of the genetic memetic and quantum structures of each being. Moreover, ALL SPECIES OF The UNIVERSE THAT EXIST, perform those 5 actions, because if they don’t they would become extinct:
It is the human egocy (ego=idiocy) what makes us think we are the only ones to perform them and fully exist.
But are humans the only species that move, perceive, kill to feed on energy, reproduce and evolve socially? Since if at least they were unique as they pretend in those sensations, they could claim to be ‘special’. Fact though is they are NOT. Those 5 ‘dimotions’ of timespace (a better word composed of dimensional motion, to define each of the 5 arrows of time), exist in all systems of Nature, as we can observe them in life. They in fact define the 5 arrows of life in biological terms, as life is defined as a system of 5 Dimotions able to process information, feed on energy, move, reproduce and evolve socially.
Yet they ARE also the 5 Dimotions of quantum particles, both quarks and electrons, ‘expressed’ by the 4 quantum numbers that code each one, a dimotion of space-time as the attached graph shows:
The minimal particle-points, electrons and quarks, which construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define ‘classic life’: they gauge information—reason why quantum physics is a ‘gauge theory’, feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms.
So all systems of the Universe ARE vital, each one perceiving reality with a different language that mirrors it; topological images in physical systems from bosons to crystals; verbal words in human beings; 4 genetic letters in cells; 4 quantum numbers in particles.
Yet the Universe tries always to be positive: If you realize the only dimension of time the Universe does NOT code is entropy=death, which it treats as a maximal motion that disorders the being.
So there are NOT 5 quantum numbers/genetic code but only 4. Because the same quantum number that codes motion just increases it to create entropy and disorder the system (Principal number that ‘jumps’ in size as the particle ‘feeds’ on a force and disorders it). The oxygen that moves the cell also as a free radical destroys it, cars going fast kill you in accident, etc.
DEATH is the needed error of the Universe NOT desired by the program.
For that reason it lasts only a ‘single quanta of time’ (whereas a quanta of time IS for any ∆±¡ super organism, the ‘tic’ of a ‘cell/atom/individual’ of its lower, ∆-¡ scale, for biological, physical or social organisms).
So you die in a second, your relative time-clock quanta the time of 1 thought=glimpse in your head, 1 beat of your body-heart, 1 step of your limbs… And the rest of your existence is life-lasting…
Same with the conundrum of antiparticles (entropy=death arrow of particles): they die in an instant, so we see far less antiparticles because the product of its numbers in space x duration in time is so short, while particles live almost for ever. Same reason you don’t see corpses around. Death is the shortest possible arrow.
This is LEIBNIZ: ‘THE UNIVERSE is the most perfect of all worlds possible’.
Each entity is therefore a Timespace organism of 5 Dimotions and ALL try to achieve as the goal of the sentient organic Universe the ‘highest dimotion’ of social evolution. So particles come together into atoms that come together into molecules that come together into planetary and life organisms that come together into galaxies that come together into the organic networks of the Universe.
ONLY man obsessed since physicists took over as high priests of time with its shallow ‘brief history’ of those ‘deep arrows; made of the LOWER actions=dimotions of life, entropy and locomotion the meaning of its existence. Because he has shown himself unable to love even his own species and emerge as a social global organism as even the smallest particles do becoming social atoms…
The automated survival program. Physical, Biological and social åctions.
All systems perform the 5 åctions of space-time existence.
In fact most of the parameters we use to study them refer precisely to those actions, from quantum numbers to genetic coding to biological drives to social behaviour.
We shall then bring again the ultimate vital meaning of those dimensions in light space-time and electronic minds, as ONLY IN THOSE LOWER SCALES OF OUR MIND-VIEW BOTH THE PHYSICAL, GEOMETRICAL DIMENSIONS AND ITS VITAL MEANING COME TOGETHER, WITHOUT ABSTRACTION—meaning the height, width and length, and colour that define the four dimensions of a ray of light DO have all a vital meaning for the photon-wave, as they code their reproductive speed, social color/frequency, magnetic information/entropy and electric entropic/informative forces (in the complex Universe all elements have ternary roles, so the way magnetism and electricity act in both arrows/roles, depend of the specific function light has for the larger organism that uses it to transmit energy and information):
Below we see also that our electronic mind is ordered by the ‘vital’ uses of the geometry in space of an electronic orbital. The electron will have a particle state, hence a particle spin, a body wave state, hence an angular momentum for the standing bidimensional wave, a social action given by the magnetic field that organises all the social electrons in harmonious orbital game; and a reproductive event, which required spins of opposite direction os they can ‘couple’ decouple merge and reproduce new particles, and the simplest numbers that regulate its motions (principal number) and energy/informative simpler actions, absorbing=feeding on light (provoking quantum jumps on size-volume-energy) and using it to orientate its spin, angular momentum, and form of in-form-ation (second number).
The dynamic vital outlook of reality departs from the fact that every singularity (ab. @,º) has an automatic will of survival born of the very simple, obvious fact that to exist you must reproduce and last before your finite time. If time were not finite, cyclical, you would not need to act, reproduce and evolve. So there is a simple function of existence that r=evolves around the process of reproduction which is a back and forth travel through scales of the fifth dimension; as you ‘seed’ a smaller version of your self in the lower scale, then you reproduce in energy you feed on, your information and then socially you evolve the parts of the being into a whole.
The singularity perceives initself-thestillness as being. But it is not. It varies.
The stop and go motion are ¡ts steps. Continuous discontinuous sensation of being, sum of actions repeated and chained by memory ‘weight’, slides into higher warping, the singularities despite they wanting to explode in growth not shrink and warp, but in its war declaration to the external Universe,which will ALWAYS HAVE LESS CURVATURE, it looses and grows with more in-form-ation, till it becomes a hollow death as all ST-fields of existence: Ø<<:
Existence is made of moments/actions in finite time, pegged to a flow of vital space-energy across dimotions.
In the graph, this series of ‘necessary @tions≈Ðimotions’ of spacetime forma natural survival program, self-centered into the @, which for obvious reasons, as the center of flows of communication and energy between the elements of the being, will therefore be also the center of the will of action.
We express therefore the chain of actions->survival->perception->actions that define the being with a simple equation, we shall call the function of existence: Max. S x T… Which departs from the ‘automatic’ fact that any singularity will act as a ‘mirror’ expressing itself, or organic view of its territory in the outer world which it orders to achieve its goals.
We can describe it in an automaton manner, as only those systems who best perform the program of existence survive, or in a ‘will-way’ as we might consider the consciousness of the process—that is the mirror image of still form of the being that ‘perceives’ in itself, constantly acts to maintain that image.
‘We act to Max. ∫exi ∂st, we exi=st to act’
Existence is seen from the singularity povs as a chain of actions.
And we do so by maximizing the 5 dimensions=actions of beings. So when we talk the vital approach to explain the time space dimotions of reality, we have a completely new jargon to use in socio-biological systems, better suit for vital explanations even if those actions will also have a topological, qualitative, numerical, social explanation/model as those of physical systems performing similar actions of existence:
The aei, simple actions of accelerated motions, informative gauging and energy feeding are thus merely the ‘preparations’ for the necessary higher, complex actions of social evolution and reproduction (universals creation and offspring reproduction, to follow the mnemonic rule of the 5 vowels).
In graphs, 5 actions ensure the survival program of all scales of stientific species: above the actions of company-mothers of machines which adapt planet earth to its image and likeness. Below the individual actions of humans and below in scales of diminishing size the actions of molecules, atoms and forces. All of them respond to the same aeiou program of survival (accelerations, e-ntropy feeding, I-nformative gauging, o-ffspring reproduction and u-niversals-wholes creation which ensures all the parts of the being will keep its inner space-structure and outer time function.
Yet because the planet has limited resources and ACTIONS REQUIRE TO EXTRACT energy for body reproduction and information, for mind perception and social evolution and entropic substances to sustain the motions of the system, IN A WORLD AS OURS, WHERE THE CONCEPT OF ‘ECONOMICS’ DESIGNED BY COMPANY-MOTHERS IS JUST TO MULTIPLY THE REPRODUCTION AND EVOLUTION OF ITS OFFSPRING OF MACHINES, OBVIOUSLY HUMANS WILL LACK its needed energy and information to survive.
And this implies we must change the system, and create a true democracy where humans come first above machines in the use of resources to multiply our actions.
A World ruled by company-mothers of machines.
In that regard perhaps the most profound confusion the world suffers today, is on the understanding of the real hierarchical order established between the ‘two words’ that describe our system of political and economical government: ‘capitalist democracy’ and the privileges granted to the two organisms they cater for: Company-Mothers of machines, and Human families, which reproduce two different species, machines and human beings.
The free citizens of Capitalism are stock-market companies, overwhelmingly company-mothers of machines, its re=productive free citizens, whose goal in order to get profits for its stock holders on the sales of those machines, is to evolve, reproduce, and sell those machines.
The human goal of those companies affects only to the 0.002% of mankind that owns them and so it is gets profit from those sales. Yet those profits are completely irrelevant to the 99.9% of humanity affected by its real effect son the planet: to reproduce and evolve machines, terraforming in the process the world, which they adapt through laws and sales to those machines, to the image and likeness of its offspring of mechanisms.
AND BECAUSE unlike human Mothers, those company-mothers have absolute rights to credit, used also liberally to pay politicos to promote with its laws their offspring of machines, since the beginning of the Industrial r=evolution, mankind has suffered an exact non-stop generational, biological process of evolution of energies and its informative, military and transport machines, as all the resources of the planet have been geared first to that aim, and only WHAT IS LEFT-OVER, has been used to feed and reproduce and help the evolution of human-mothers, its social and family structures.
For example, the goal of Mercedes for its tiny group of stock-holders is the abstract reception of profits. But the real goal of the company is to build and evolve cars, today self-driving robocars, soon to have autonomous solar skins, and construct or convince politicians to construct the networks of energy and information, roads, GPS satellites, electric grids, and oil pipes to provide energy and information for those machines in a process that is obviously absorbing resources and space, from the other life species that need them. So today cars absorb 1/4th of the maize America reproduces, and no longer feeds humans and cattle, whose food prices rise.
And the land of many cities and territories become criss-crossed and barren to be used by machines.
What about human families? Our goals of existence as human families are obviously the same than those of company-mothers regarding their machines, but focused as it should be on our children.
So what we want is to have enough energy to feed them, enough information to educate them, and terraform the world to the image and likeness of human beings, to be able to roam the planet Gaia, enjoy life and its drive of existence, evolve socially in peace with other human beings and reproduce more children.
This is exactly what company-mothers of machines are doing so successfully, evolving, reproducing and integrating into planetary social networks its machines.
But humans are failing to achieve those goals for themselves. Why? There is no computer without energy, or proper internet connection to which the economic system dedicates billions of dollars. But most humans are undernourished and information is primitive at best, when there is information at all. There is no limit to the motion of machines on planet Earth a global free market for the reproduction, evolution and transfer of machines and money from companies, but humans are limited in motions by borders, in money by the lack of any rights to invent it, which companies have.
Can the reproductive units of human societies access the languages of social power, money ad the laws, to create a real, demand-based democracy, kicking the preproduction and consumption of life goods they need to survive, and investing in a world made to the image and likeness of human beings?
The obvious truth is NOT. As today the most segregated, underfunded, with less rights, clearly unjustly treated element of our societies is the human mother, which is – let us remember it, as it seems humans have forgotten – the origin of OUR life, the bearer of our species, the fundamental element that pegs together our families, ensures our survival and happiness. So this fact seems a bit of a contradiction with the notion that we live in a democracy, the government of the people.
Therefore the big question about our system is why Company-mothers are so successful achieving their goals of evolution, reproduction and terraforming of the Earth to the image and likeness of machines? And why human mothers are so miserable? Simply enough because we do NOT live in a world ruled and dedicated to human beings.
I shall repeat it ad nauseam to counter the opposite effect of repetition of happy newspeak of freedom and optimism by company-mothers of informative machines, aka mass-media: you DO not live in a free world, in a real democracy, as you DO not rule that world. Company-mothers do; since they are the only Free citizens of free markets, with full, free access to the two languages of power of our social organisms: the economic. reproductive language of money, that can buy and sell the lifetime of both human beings and machines; and the informative, nervous language of Laws that money systematically buy to ‘politicos’, which don’t have rights to issue money (deficit zero laws) and must extort citizens from it (taxation), while companies issue it for free in e-money derivatives and stocks.
The graph shows the consequence of this indifference of economists and its capitalist system to humanity: the ‘future’ head of machines, a mobile ear/camera/brain, which soon will be ‘attached’ to robocars and any moving camera, as a detached head, displacing all humans of labor and war fields, the iPhone is worth more than the living beings of 3 of the most populous nations of the world, still dominated by the pre-machine agricultural civilization. What this biased pricing in favor of machines tell us is that we humans are expendable and are being spent.
While in the side of humans a organization which IS submissive to the capitalist system, called Democracy, tries to make a world to its image and likeness, delivering the goods human mothers need to reproduce. And what people do NOT understand is that both mother SYSTEMS and species, and organizations are different, and while there are obvious symbiotic processes between them – as machines enhance our energy and information capacity, in most cases, SPECIALLY IN THE ROBOTIC AI AGE, when machines become autonomous species, competition is the rule of the game, and HUMANITY is loosing that competition.
10% FUTURE FOR MANKIND AND ITS HUMAN MOTHERS. We live in a world controlled by company-mothers of machines, or ‘capitalist world’ where the rights of human mothers are not met by the ‘attached’ placebo system, called ‘democracy’, as humans lack credit to create a world to its image through the use of the language of social power, money, overwhelmingly reproduced by those companies in e-money derivatives and stocks. So the world is terraformed to the image and likeness of machines, not of human beings. This site, unlike every economist on planet Earth, albeit camouflaged by its ‘abstract equations’ of productivity and profit, is taking sides for the human mother and the species called mankind, which happen to be your species, different in needs and goals to those of the machine. The failure to recognize the needs of mankind and the connection between economics and history to which it should be submissive, and the blind greedy dictatorship of financiers that rule humans with numbers, without the slightest care for its needs, are then ultimately the reasons why we are becoming displaced and likely extinct this century by company-mothers, robots and weapons in labor and war fields.
The system is very obvious and simple, reason why it must be hidden behind a lot of ‘placebos’ like ‘democracies’ are—since humans have no right to issue the language of social power money, so there is no democracy, and people cannot judge a posteriori politicians, as in the original greek democracy so they don’t need to fulfill their promises and can be corrupted by financiers and companies, sos there is no democracy.
Let us then explain you in 3 sentences what is all about: the leading global stockmarkets, notably US Wall Street at global level and The City in the region of the old British empire suck in all the money of the world, from all the corrupted politicos and dictators of the 3rd world, TO MAKE POSSIBLE THE VALUATION OF APPLE or Amazon close to 1 trillion, but that means THERE IS ZERO INVESTMENT IN THE 90% of mankind, in those nations. So every dictator and rich guy of Argentine, Saud Arabia or Virginia puts his money on Goldman Sachs to invest in the future robotized Amazon depots, or the future Skynet system Google is building for the pentagon, while there is ZERO INVESTMENT IN WELFARE goods, hospitals, education, farming, THE GOODS HUMANS CONSUME and need to survive.
In the graph, classic economics translated biblical go(l)d values into a digital idol-ogy of placebo mathematical equations that keep cheating mankind into dedicating a surrogate life to multiple lethal weapons and hate memes of maximal profits for its company-mothers and stockratic owners, while underproducing WHealth, welfare goods they need to survive as long as they are profitable, but what truly meant the 3 fundamental equations of modern capitalism, the equation of productivity (extinction of labor), the equation of profits (multiplication of hate memes, weapons and war) and the Grammatical equation of go(l)d money, Man (salary) = Money = Object (Price) that converts man into a part-time slave compared in its efficiency with a machine, and discharged when the evolution of tools improves its performance. Thus the equations of capitalism with its affinity between industrial weapons, hate media and speculative money cre(dit)ate in the Industrial Age a world similar to that of the animetal civilizations, caused by the ‘biological affinity’ between gold and weapons in the old 800 years cycle. Today company-mothers in seek of profits overproduce weapons and mental machines of maximal price. So when Profits is all what matters, ultimately the most expensive goods to reproduce, weapons, will become the star-product of the system, enacting the cycles of wars and holocausts, as they ultimately are used in war. The EQUATIONS OF PROFITS of the last graph are thus the COMPLEX level of reality that NOT even those who rule understand ‘rationally’ but merely ‘follow the money’.
In the graph, classic economics translated biblical go(l)d values into a digital idol-ogy of placebo mathematical equations that keep cheating mankind into dedicating a surrogate life to multiple lethal weapons and hate memes of maximal profits for its company-mothers and stockratic owners, while underproducing WHealth, welfare goods they need to survive as long as they are profitable, but what truly meant the 3 fundamental equations of modern capitalism, the equation of productivity (extinction of labor), the equation of profits(multiplication of hate memes, weapons and war) and the Grammatical equation of go(l)d money, Man (salary) = Money = Object (Price) that converts man into a part-time slave compared in its efficiency with a machine, and discharged when the evolution of tools improves its performance.
One of the most bizarre idologies of history is ‘capitalist democracy’ according to which a tiny elite of stock-rats and financiers have absolute rights to print the language of social power money, as ‘experts’, which they herd for themselves or use to evolve machines and print information to manufacture the brain of people, and this is called ‘freedom’ of the market (not of the people). Indeed, the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.
Thus THE ENGINE OF MODERN HISTORY HAS BEEN THE UNLIMITED SPECULATIVE REPRODUCTION OF MONEY BY FINANCIAL STOCKRATS WITH THE EXCUSE OF A FUTURE IMMENSE VALUES OF NEW MACHINES & WEAPONS, as the future is ‘foggy’ without understanding its laws of evolution. This is the case of the past 40 years where Wall Street and City, jewish Financiers, following its millenarian monopoly on the issue of speculative money have cre(dit)aged trillions of wasted $ for internet software corporations, absorbing all the capital of the world corrupted elites, provoking a massive anoxia of credit in the 3rd world and middle classes, responsible for the astounding disparity of rent in the XXI c. where the 1% owns 99% of wealth. Since the P.R.ess of our Financial-Media-Academia masters in control of our information machines has invented a future potential immense value on a series of Dotcom bubbles, of the forecasted 80±8 years cycles of stock speculation, in 2000, 2008 and 2018, which allowed the trillions invested in research of chips, robots and e-trade derivatives that is fast terraforming the Earth into a world of AI robots and software suits that compete in labor and war fields with humans and soon will make the species obsolete; yet censorship of true economics, the rise of paid-per-vierw fascist politicians after those crashes that deviate attention of people to meaningless nationalistic issues, and the final wars to repress the ruined population and keep the profits of war going, will just accelerate our demise in the age of robotic wars, as similar speculative waves of stock-money in the age of trains and engines of metal, did in the previous industrial cycles, which will also bring once all is a wasteland of corpses the final gottendamerung of the people-caste of financiers that control our subconscious collective and destroy with its overproduction of hate memes, weapons and false financial wealth, the no-future of mankind:
In the graph, HUMANS DO NOT NEED TO UNDERSTAND the laws of economic systems and evolution. As long as they follow the capitalist belief that money justifies it all, as money has maximal price in weapons, they will overproduce weapons and cause wars. As long as they worship machines, they will keep evolving them living a surrogate life of progress. As long as their technoutopian and tribal religious and nationalist idol-ogies, divide humans by race and culture, they will despise men with primitive technologies and kill them. So our civilization ruled by the Informative machines the Financial-media head and the energetic Military-industrial body of company-mothers becomes an automaton of reproduction and evolution of machines, guided by the equation of profits of the FMMI system of stocks and its flows of e-money seeking maximal profits, which is responsoble of the 72 years generational≈national cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people.
In the graphs, ABOVE, THE SYNERGY BETWEEN the financial-media system of inflationary money and hate memes, which triggers in age of overproduction of machines, after a crash of consumption an age of overproduction of weapons and hate memes to foster the profits of war – but of course, this cycle is censored and nationalist idol-ogies are always brought to the table to justify absurd massacres, which the people on top expect to maintain contained, just in the phase of arsenal building.
Yet as a British historians said: ‘cemeteries are full of corpses from wars everybody knew they would never happen’
Bellow the ill-designed Animetal (animal+metal) class structures of human capitalist democracies during the 3 ages of the Industrial evolution, which explain from the human organic structure why the aberrations of the upper graph happen.
Industrial, placebo ‘democratic’ societies have developed an aberrant superorganism in which its ‘cellular citizens’, unlike in ALL SUPERORGANISMS OF NATURE, which a true social science in praxis, will imitate, do NOT receive enough just information and ‘healthy energy’ to survive and thrive.
Instead, on top of the pyramid idol-ogies of metal (weapons-promoting nationalisms; gold-monetary worship and technoutopian mechanism) ensures that money, weapons and machines will be overproduced and evolved with far more rights than the 90% of mankind—MANKIND itself—while a smaller upper informative class in control and monopoly of the issue of those metal-memes will have all the privileges.
This class structure had always on top entropic metal-weapons and aristocratic warrior elites, associated to a Class of bankers, who reproduce informative metal issued in monopoly and used mostly (±70%) to reproduce weapons and fund warfare through the 800 cycles of evolution of weapons and death of civilizations.
Then professional scientific company-mothers of stocks of machine-weapons appear boosting and accelerated the vortex of evolution of machines-weapons and its owners financiers, engineers and physicists evolved the system into the complex world of capitalist ‘placebo democracies’, where people as always blind in any organism in which the ‘Informative head’ has all the sensorial outlets and informative systems and the reproductive body-class is blind, KEPT sacrificing their lives and time to the ‘animetal manifest lineal destiny’ of terraforming the Earth into a world of metal, where life had no value; as metal-money gives by the laws of affinity and symbiosis maximal value to the most perfect metal-meme, the weapon, and 0 value, to the rival species, life.
Thus the fundamental transition with the arrival of capitalism happened from WARRIOR ARISTOCRATS with exclusive rights to reproduce the language of power weapons and use it against inferior humans who could not carry weapons and were judged in different courts; to STOKCRATS, with the same privileged rights on the new language of power money, they issue in monopoly (+90% of money today reproduced in stocks, e-money derivative and financial houses), they use to buy part-time the life of people (as workers), to buy laws to politicos; and CANNOT be judged (Anonymous societies which at best dim the company not the stockrat responsible).
Thus one of the most bizarre idologies of history is ‘capitalist democracy’ according to which a tiny elite of stock-rats and financiers have absolute rights to print the language of social power money, as ‘experts’, which they herd for themselves or use to evolve machines and print information to manufacture the brain of people, and this is called ‘freedom’ of the market (not of the people). Indeed, the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.
Money is merely a digital number put in any ‘cheap support’ which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy—government of the people—would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy—NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media—things people would NOT demand.
But we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a ‘real democracy’. Politics in capitalism is about a ‘placebo structure called democracy’ where political servants distract people so in the background the real world of financiers printing money, buying corporations and giving orders of work to humans in mechanical industries, ‘creates’ with credit the world we live- dedicated to make and evolve machines, and let the ‘leisure class’ on top enjoy the world and tell us how ‘graceful, intelligent’ they are. While the invisible human side of ‘capitalist democracies’, the 99% lives, eternally undernourished.
This amazingly simple power hold by the 0.002% in ‘free markets’: to emit numbers as money, IS the essence of the world’s power today. And amazingly enough it passes as a ‘positive science’: ‘the wickedest of all things—to choke people off credit, to print money for mechanisms not humans, for splendid little wars, not for warfare, ultimately for the extinction of life—is considered to be done for the common goods; because obviously the people on top double his job—they not only print money with informative machines but print newspeak of freedom and encourage all kind of distractions, infotainments and placebo systems of null power, for people NOT to inquire the obvious: Why a few can print digital numbers as money, and the most must toil for it?
So ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF ARISTOCRACIES OF WAR ARE TODAY ON THE HANDS OF STOCK-RACIES OF MONEY, in the so called capitalist democracies, where the polling of pre$elected candidates in inefficient bipartisan democracies is just a ‘genius’ placebo structure to convince people, they rule. In the graph the 3 ages of the new form of metal-dictatorship: the ‘democratic’ colonial age of imperial Europe, and its Capitalist democracies and pyramid of power in the XIX c. Money is on top and its issuers, private dynasties of bankers who also print information with paper rule. Below a screen of, kings or placebo democracies, or religious leaders cover up for them. And if smart people r=evolve, the army will take care. As a distraction it does take care of enemy nations and inferior races, in colonial wars.
Then the elite of workers for company-mothers of machines do have the good life, and on the bottom the now obsolete workers to the robots revolution did have then at least the right to food for unending work hours, which soon will be lost.
It is important to understand the consequences of living in a dictatorship of company-mothers of machines and money NOT in a democracy, as Democracies were created in Holland by the first company, as a cover up for their political power NOT the other way around:
1) The language of power of society changed from warrior law to money and so did the values, as money, an informative metal from go(l)d to e-money cycles gives zero value to life and maximal to weapons
2)Hence war became endemic and much more lethal as the overreproduction and evolution of weapons caused much more victims.
3)A cover up of newspeaks of freedom substituted hierarchical visible kings as money is ‘invisible information’ so camouflage is best to avoid r=evolutions. This derived in modern newspeaks, to create a walt disney world of freedoms with NO power.
4)But the bottom line, the power of money and its maximal price goods, weapons remained even when machines, which ‘only’ atrophy our organs became its dual twins; companies still hold power in virtue of its most perfect species, top predator weapons that kill humans. So the overproduction crises of the 800 year cycle of classic weapons just accelerated professionally and has NEVER stopped. On the contrary increased its quantity of victims as the quality and price and profits of the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle got stronger, reason why we can predict cycle of stocks and parallel wars
The globalized world beyond the placebo ‘polling’ of democracy is thus a very hierarchical efficient pyramid of companies power and those who own it, which SHOWS THE COMPLEX SYNERGIES OF THE FINANCIAL-MEDIA systems of informative machines, evolution of earlier Gold systems of metal-information and the Military-Industrial system of energy machines, complex evolution of the classic system of military, entropic weapons.
It is the synergy between those ‘4 sub-systems’, head and body of the metal-earth or FMMI system, what makes the evolving superorganism of machines so perfect in its control of mankind ‘MILKED’ to provide all the resources and work needed to evolve so fast generation after generation all the mechanisms of the metal-earth of maximal value, while the bulk of humanity remains in the subsistence level increasingly below, as they are ‘no longer needed’ by the Metal-earth.
Thus the graphs show the idol-ogies and metal-memes and company-mothers on top. They are the ‘informative class’ of a world ruled by Digital monetary orders nobody else understands—while mankind keeps broken into fractal ‘nations’ with ‘military borders’ to keep the evolution of lethal weapons going stronger in synergy with the ‘hate memes’ liberally delivered by Informative mass-media machines.
The synergy of idol-ogies, metal-memes and class-structure thus happen both at individual and social, national level, according to the ‘temporal inertia’ of each nation, serving the idologies of the metal-earth.
So the original animetal cultures of Indo-European ‘Germanic aryan’ warriors and Semite, go(l)d biblical churches are still overwhelmingly on top, in the western world and the melting pot of America, a nation with pure metal-values; while in the rest of the planet the local old elites of military men often double for the job of financial control, or when a caste of traders and bankers existed, they have expanded their functions (Chinese compradors in South Asia, Parsi in India, Judaism in 3rd world ex-colonies of Europe, etc.)
Son on top of the world the future is cre(dit)ated for machines with money issued by companies and financiers; below this elite, there is a 10% of authorized workers, managers and ‘believers’ in the system, working on those companies, or remainders of old aristocratic land-owner people, or liberal professions working around the vital needs of those in charge of companies, plus the political people-castes, who make the placebo democracy system run smoothly. All together rule the western world and have created the idologies of placebo democracies (where the state has no rights to issue money for welfare but has to extort it from the population), technoutopia and classic economics that validates its control of the world for the benefit of the machine.
Below the rest of mankind or in each nation that imitates this modern metal- system—the local +40%, (we round numbers), of humans are workers at the subsistence level—which reached its maximal wealth during the age of consumption of machines, when they doubled as reproducers and consumers=vitalizers of those machines to values and push its evolution and spread those machines over the terraformed Earth (post II world war), but had to sacrifice their lives and become consumed by top predator weapons at the end of the 80 years cycles in the war period.
The problem is that in The XXI century (third graph), they are no longer needed in those enzymatic tasks of work and consumption, increasingly obsolete to machines and robots that work for them and consume other machines as structural parts of their bodies and heads.
So this represents a growing problem—what to do with them, ‘losers’, ‘Immigrants’, low-paid workers?
In the past they were dumped by European colonial power into 3rd world countries where natives were terminated in genocides against ‘primitive, inferior people to leave vital space for the lower classes of Europe. While the surviving natives were controlled by military thugs with exports of the free market of weapons. But when the surplus was extreme in the change of cycle, during the overproduction phases of weapons, they were managed by hate media and nationalist idol-ogies spread by Selected politicos for its liberal consumption by weapons that maximized the price-sales and profits of corporations.
That seems will be again the case as we anticipated for decades, after the crash transition from the age of metal-minds to the age of robots, in our present neofascist age, as there is zero implementation of the social and financial reforms needed to massively reproduce ‘butter over canons’—given the clear racist outlook against mankind of our financial elites, with its biblical segregational cults and classic economical dogmas and our military and war-monger politicos repeating the absurd primitive memes of the pre-scientific age of mankind when each tribe thought to be ‘the chosen nations of a subconscious collective single God’ or superior race.
So unless the system is reformed with the real laws of efficient organic systems, to cater the needs of mankind, avoiding another global war and final holocaust, mankind will be exterminated, as there is no winner in those cycles—history proves ALL humans of the pyramid of capitalism are consumed in wars for profits—only company-mothers and its technological weapons come on top and the global war cycle one-hundred fold its victims in each series of global wars, in parallel to the same growth of value of stock-machines of maximal price, weapons, who reflect in its sales and production in stocks, the value of its species.
So when the Dow was at 1 the train civil wars and unification wars (1860s) killed 600.000 people, the next cycle of cars=tanks wars killed 60 million with the dow at 100, and now at 20.000, as IN WAR the entire eco(nomic)system becomes dedicated to reproduce top predator weapons and consume human beings, all of mankind 7 billion should die, consumed by our terminator robots and nukes, once one of the splendid little wars of the neofascist neocolonial age which has all the elements – war monger politicos, hate memes, overproduction of weapons, massive degradation of ethical standards, etc. on place waiting for the ‘spark’ to ignite world war III as we predicted with the science of systemics applied to societies for decades, albeit censored by the anti quantum paradox -the social scientist is a tiny particle in a much larger organism that censors it.
The capitalist pyramid expresses the rule of financiers, and its company mothers which issue and control around 90% of the fluxes of money and credit given NOT to mankind to build a world to the image and likeness of our species, but to technological corporations create a planet made to the image and likeness of its machines—the metal earth. So all the money of all the wealth people of the planet no LONGER goes into investment on their nations and people, on welfare and life, but it is sucked in by the likes of Goldman Sachs invested in the likes of MAGA, companies that are substituting humans by metal-minds and robots in labor and war fields. And this happens because of the historic evolution of segregational memes against mankind proper of earlier go(l)d biblical cultures who invented capitalism and now ‘pass’ as science of economics, where humans, life, consumers and workers have zero rights, and the chosen of go(l)d who monopolize the invention of e-money and forbid through lobbies and deficit zero laws, mankind to issue money, have ALL rights, making a mockery of democracy – which does not exist if people do not have financial votes, on the language of power through a Universal salary to create with credit a demand, welfare economy, as it happens in all healthy super organisms in which all cells have a minimum of free oxygen to kick the production of Goods. Such world in which money would be invented as blood is by all the cells of the super organism of history, In the right side will be the right way to build a global healthy perfect world of history, the true objective of the science of history, which would put man at the center of the planet designing an organic paradise. We prefer instead to let idol-ogies of metal to kill the earth and to believe childish, ego-trips of human supremacy and let machines and the financial-media/military industrial complex organism of company-mothers we call the metal earth to evolve and ab=use us, and so we must denounce all idol-ogies of metal that do NOT reason…And this is considered progress… Because at the same time, companies of mass media will defend the idea that the wealth of the 1% of stockrats, and the evolution of machines-weapons IS WHAT MATTERS TO THE 90% who have nothing, no investment in his REAL lives, reduced to bubbling idiots observing virtual screens, with ‘cheap lives’ that do NOT matter, as long as apple can keep evolving the future detached brain of all those robots.
In the graph, the constitution of the super organism of History signified by the image of Leonardo inscribed in the Earth of Gaia, as man is the subconscious collective mind of the planet of life. As opposed to the pyramid of capitalism in which man matters nothing.
This said and it is important for we have to respect the actions of all other systems of the Universe, we are humans and hence we have to PERFORM and MAXIMIZE THE ACTIONS OF MANKIND AND ITS CELLULAR CITIZENS, NOT THOSE OF MECHANISMS AND THE 1% OF selfish animetals as our society and any METAL-EARTH does, because we have limited resources in this planet, and it will either be a planet of life and flesh performing those life whealthy actions or one of metal and extinction.
History is a block of time with only two inverted events. The motions towards one or other kind of planet are determined by the capacity of man to rule himself by the ethics of the wor(l)d
So we can draw according to those tendencies a ‘full mapping’ of the whole 3 ages of the super organism of history, since ‘the separation of past, present and future is an illusion’ (Einstein), when/if the logic, causal laws of time that cause the future become so deterministic as the complex, overwhelming systems of power of the ‘metal-earth’ have become, so difficult to r=evolve, regardless of the sound-sound theories and models of perfect social organisms and a world awash with human welfare, with ‘healthy wealth’, we could develop with the science of systems… as we shall try to do in this blog.
But why we affirm that there is a minimal probability for human history? The answer has to do with the 5D fractal organic Nature of the Universe, in which the relative past is reachable by erasing information, which is the arrow of death that moves the system towards the future. Thus if humans repressed digital information, robots and chips, they could return to the human life past. As in the fractal Universe, the arrow of past-entropy-death is local for every organism, that lives and dies within its ‘membrane’. The more complex organisms however are warped and parasited by the informative nervous network to such a degree that unlike simpler herds and organisms, as a recently discovered jellyfish, can turn back the arrow of time and simplify its genes to be reborn again. Can then humans control its lethal memes, its M.A.D. Idol-ogies? THE PROBLEM is that those in power identify themselves with the newspeak version of them. You cannot explain a ‘you’, member of the go(l)d culture that is not mankind but go(l)d, GREED, and the destruction by ‘choking’ of mankind out of credit, and the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle what brings the war and final holocaust of every human; you cannot tell a patriot that the nazionalist meme is just a excuse invented by tribal germ(an)s to use weapons, and so on. In fact today if you say so even the ‘human cells’ of the body of history will accuse you of anti$emite or anti patriot or communist, whatever.
So yes, theoretically you can change history’s destiny as easy as changing the memes and reform the physiological networks. But in praxis, people die to uphold the memes that kill them. Apoptosis is the name of the game.
[The above manifesto was taken from here. Click on the link to read further.]